Student Engagement
参加课外活动可以帮助学生培养自信心, 领导能力和社交技能,这将有助于他们未来的生活. 参与课堂外的宝盈bbin官方网站是结识新朋友和体验社区生活多样性的好方法. 学生参与办公室在学期中每周七天为学生提供与其他学生和工作人员互动的机会. 学生可以参加一些俱乐部和组织. 学生还通过选举产生的学生政府协会(SGA)在大学治理体系中发出集体声音。. SGA的目的是促进学生内部和学生之间的合作, faculty and administration, 并作为学生表达和解决问题的渠道.
Activities on Campus
学生参与办公室计划了一系列广泛的活动, including bands, DJs and comedians, speakers, pool tournaments, open mike nights, games, inter-residence hall contests, movies and trips off-campus. 大部分的节目都是由学生的建议发起的, 任何有活动想法的人都欢迎与学生参与办公室联系.
Student Government
学生会是学生的管理机构. The board is comprised of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Class President, Junior Class President, Sophomore Class President, and Freshman Class President.
2019-2020 Officers
Student Government Constitution and By-Laws
Student Government Constitution 2018
Current Student Government By-Laws
Contact Us »
Student Engagement
Joan Weill Student Center Room 007
Hours: M- F, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
(518) 327-6401
Jill Susice, Coordinator of Student Engagement
Clubs & Organizations
大多数学科都为他们的学生赞助俱乐部, 谁负责协调到工作地点的实地考察和会议,以及参与其他与职业相关的活动. 像DECA和美国林务员协会这样的俱乐部是学生建立工作联系和在他们选择的领域获得额外经验的绝佳途径. 学校有许多与兴趣相关的俱乐部和组织供学生参加,从游戏和动漫俱乐部到养蜂俱乐部再到橄榄球俱乐部! All students are welcome to join clubs at any time!
At the beginning of each semester, 有一个俱乐部展销会,让学生了解有哪些俱乐部以及如何加入!
Adirondack Mycology Club
Coming Soon!
American Fisheries Club
New Club in the process of forming! Check back for more information!
Beekeeping Club
宝盈bbin官方登录养蜂协会致力于向保罗·史密斯社区传授蜜蜂和养蜂的知识. 宝盈bbin官方登录希望在宝盈bbin官方登录 VIC拥有一个养蜂场,并与VIC员工合作举办非正式的教育机会. 最终宝盈bbin官方登录想在宝盈bbin官方登录 VIC商店和学院书店出售蜂蜜.
Birding Club
New Club. Information to come!
Disc Golf Club
New Club in the process of forming! Check back for more information!
Draft Horse Club
征兵马匹俱乐部提供以志愿者为基础的社区服务,并以马车旅行的形式筹集资金, sleigh rides, logging demonstrations, 以及为宝盈bbin官方网站的学生和社区成员举办的教育研讨会. 宝盈bbin官方登录通过定期维护和护理,为学院的马匹和学生保持一个安全的教育环境. The Club works to raise awareness of the personal, 与驮马一起工作的环境和经济效益. 宝盈bbin官方登录培育一个没有种族偏见的包容性社区, religion, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, 或在其任何活动或行动中的军事地位.
FFA Club
More information to come!
First Nations Club
New Club!!!
Fish and Game Club
宝盈bbin官方登录的钓鱼和游戏俱乐部的目标是在学习环境中促进体育道德行为的重要性. 宝盈bbin官方登录将高度重视狩猎安全和合乎道德的捕鱼做法. 同样,俱乐部将努力引进在该领域几乎没有经验的成员,以努力教育他们参加体育运动. 因此,宝盈bbin官方登录是环境教育的中心, 俱乐部还将提高环保意识和对社区的责任. 欢迎有各种狩猎或钓鱼经验的会员参加!
Forestry Club
这个俱乐部吸引了各个学科的学生. It sponsors a wide range of social activities, 他参与了校园周围的许多项目,其中许多是伐木工队的成员.
Gaming and Anime Club
动漫和游戏俱乐部旨在探索和享受游戏和动漫文化. This club participates in video, table top, card, and board gaming, 在校园内举办大量的比赛,并为所有参与者举办开放活动. 他们也有多个动漫和电影马拉松对校园开放, and seeks to boost campus interest in such activities. 请注册宝盈bbin官方登录俱乐部的电子邮件,并参加宝盈bbin官方登录的俱乐部会议,宝盈bbin官方登录将举行游戏演示,并为任何感兴趣的人放映动画, 同时分享即将在校园举行的活动! This club is all fun and games!
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Lady Bobcats Rugby Club
The club was started in the fall of 2015. It is a group of hard-working, dedicated women, 谁花了几个月的时间练习和学习这项运动. 该团队由来自不同背景、专业、运动能力和技能的女性组成. 队里的许多女士以前从未参加过这项运动. 他们参加春季比赛,也将参加常规的秋季比赛. 他们一直在招聘,所以加入的最佳时间是任何时候. No one is ever turned away. 这是了解橄榄球是否适合你的最好方法, is to come to a practice, meet the players and coaches, and mess around in a scrum.
Osgood Pond Club
Description Coming Soon!
Psychology Club
New this year!
Psychology club Constitution
宝盈bbin官方登录 Pride
宝盈bbin官方登录 Pride旨在为校园多样性创造更多的倡导者,并将作为社会正义活动家代表校园. Pride members will continue to strive for inclusivity, understanding, acceptance, and pride on Paul Smith’s College campus.
Rugby (Men’s)
Ruffled Grouse Society
Society of American Foresters
Society of Ecological Restoration
New this year!
Student Engagement Board
Want to be involved in the events on campus? Then join this club!! 这个小组负责策划和执行校园活动,如乐队, comedians, special events and movies. 这个组织与学生活动办公室一起工作. All are welcome to join!
Veteran’s Club
This club provides support to the Veteran’s at 宝盈bbin官方登录. 他们还为当地社区和宝盈bbin官方登录的军队监督做了许多社区服务项目.
Wildlife Society
2023 Family Homecoming Weekend Information
2023 Schedule of Events
Family Homecoming Weekend 2023 Schedule
截至23年9月14日的时间表-这是一个暂定的活动时间表. Final Schedule will be available at check-in!
请注意:可能会增加/更改/调整一些活动. 如有更改,请与报名表核对.
Friday, September 22nd
9am-4pm…The Pack Basket open, JWSC- downstairs
游客解说中心开放(VIC),步道从黎明到黄昏开放-入口约为. 1 1/2 miles from 宝盈bbin官方登录 on Rt. 30
中午12点到晚上10点……玉米迷宫之旅,塔克斯农场(如果你是宝盈bbin官方登录会员,可以打折。! 天黑后游览玉米迷宫(带上你自己的手电筒). Enter corn maize before 9pm. They take cash only.
3pm-6pm…Registration, Student Center Lobby
4:30pm-6pm…Dinner, 湖畔餐厅(门票可在门口购买, 宝盈bbin官方登录 students with meal plan are free)
5pm- Women’s Soccer vs. ACPHS, Soccer Field.
下午6点-家长欢迎/招待会,烘焙部制作甜点. St. Regis. Meet with 宝盈bbin官方登录 Senior Cabinet.
7pm- Men’s Soccer vs. ACPHS…Soccer Field
Saturday, September 23rd
上午8点,全国举办10公里和/或半程马拉松,欢迎所有人参加! Junctions of SR 86 & 30. 参赛者将沿86号高速公路向东走到琼斯塘路,并将这条路一直走到终点, turning left onto the Rainbow Lake Road. 10公里跑者将在彩虹湖邮局外约2英里处到达终点. 1英里的标志将在高速公路上用白色油漆清晰可见. The half marathon runners continue, and turn right onto the Oregon Plains Road, taking this into Bloomingdale, 纽约在市中心的4路交叉路口结束.
9am-11am…Breakfast, Lakeside Dining Hall, (可现场购票,psc学生免费用餐).
9am-11am…Registration, JWSC Lobby.
9am-8:30pm…Visitors Interpretive Center open (VIC), Trails open from Dawn to Dusk– Entrance is approx. 1 1/2 miles from 宝盈bbin官方登录 on Rt. 30
10am-12:30pm…Mushroom Foray at the VIC. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $7.50-$15. to register.
11am-1pm…Wagon Rides with the Draft Horses. Meet in front of the Student Center. Sponsored by the Draft Horse Club!
11am-1:30pm…Brunch, Lakeside Dining Hall, (Tickets may be purchased at door, 宝盈bbin官方登录 students with meal plan are free!).
11am-….Women’s Volleyball tournament, All day. Gym
下午12点至7点-在萨拉纳克湖的罗马诺打保龄球-常规保龄球, 宝盈bbin官方登录 Students will be free with student id. Sponsored by Student Engagement. There will be prizes for the top 3 bowlers that day!!
中午12点到晚上10点…玉米迷宫之旅,塔克农场(提到你是宝盈bbin官方登录的人,可以打折!)天黑后游览玉米迷宫——带上自己的手电筒! Bonfire with s’mores after dark. Please enter before 9pm. They take cash only.
1pm-3pm…Guided Canoe Paddle at the VIC, $15-$25. Go to to register. Pre-registration is required.
下午1:30 -2:30,在JWSC松树厅与宝盈bbin官方登录高层领导团队进行开放论坛. 来见见高级领导团队,有什么问题可以提出来.
3pm…Cornhole Tournament on the Great Lawn. Rain location will be in the JWSC Pine Room.
4pm-…Women’s Soccer vs. B&S Albany, Soccer Field
下午4:30 - 6:00…晚餐(门票可在湖边食堂购买或自行前往市区).
6pm…Casino Night, St. Regis Café
下午7点至8点30分,在VIC举办爵士音乐会“the Circular Jazz Trio”,由Frank M. Hutchins Lodge, VIC, FREE!!!!
晚上7点到10点,在萨拉纳克湖的罗曼诺斯参加宇宙保龄球,宝盈bbin官方登录学生凭学生证免费. Sponsored by Student Engagement.
Sunday, September 24th
9:00am-11am…Breakfast, 湖畔食堂(门票可在门口购买, 宝盈bbin官方登录 students with meal plan are free).
游客解说中心开放(VIC),步道从黎明到黄昏开放-入口约为. 1 1/2 miles from 宝盈bbin官方登录 on Rt. 30
11am-1:30pm…Brunch, 湖畔食堂(可上门购票,有用餐计划的学生免费).
12pm- Men’s Soccer vs. SUNY ESF, Soccer Field
1pm-Dusk…Corn Maze Tours, Tucker Farms. (mention you are a 宝盈bbin官方登录 person for a discount!)天黑后游览玉米迷宫——带上自己的手电筒! Bonfire with s’mores after dark. Please enter before 9pm. They take cash only.
1pm-3pm…Guided Canoe Paddle at the VIC, $15-$25. Go to to register. Pre-registration is required.
Saturday- Adirondack Museum
Saturday- Keys to the Castle Roller Ski Race, Mt. Van Hoevenberg, Lake Placid, Participate or cheer participants on!!!
Saturday & 周日-丰收节和内战生活史在阿尔曼佐·怀尔德农场节,伯克,纽约州,
白面山-看看山上的活动-乘坐缆车, Veteran’s Memorial Highway, etc. go to for more information!
Experience Outdoors-, ziplines, etc. Outside Lake Placid.
The Wild Center, Tupper Lake-
Lake Placid Legacy Sites-
Letter to Parents
Dear Family Member,
家庭周末即将到来,我想以个人名义邀请您参加9月22日至24日的家庭周末活动, 2023. There are wonderful things happening at 宝盈bbin官方登录, 宝盈bbin官方登录很高兴你能来看看你的学生的一天是怎么过的. 对于你们中的许多人来说,这将是你们的第一个家庭周末. 这是一个与你的学生一起在新环境中度过的机会. 因此,所有事件和活动都是可选的,您可以选择想要做的事情! 🙂为了这个激动人心的周末,宝盈bbin官方登录在校园和VIC计划了很多活动, 但你也可以利用该地区正在发生的机会.
****Please note that the schedule is TENTATIVE. 注册时将有最终的时间表.
We are also having a cookie contest!!! 你可以带自己的饼干来参加饼干比赛,宝盈bbin官方登录将由学生在这里评判. Prizes will be awarded! 如果你想和别人分享,也带上你的食谱! Just drop everything off at registration. Please make sure you include your name and cell number.
If you have any questions, 请不要犹豫与我联系,电话:(518)327-6401或给我发电子邮件 宝盈bbin官方登录期待着与你们每一位见面!
Jill Susice
Coordinator of Student Engagement